Chatty Cafe
By Dorothy Parkes Centre (Smethwick)
Kickstart a conversation, get chatting and reduce loneliness. First drink free. Wednesday 10.30am - 12.30pm. Contact 0121 558 2998
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All services services and activities. View these on the map or scroll down the page to look at the list below. Currently displaying 631 services and activities
Kickstart a conversation, get chatting and reduce loneliness. First drink free. Wednesday 10.30am - 12.30pm. Contact 0121 558 2998
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learn chi kenpo karate with Phil 07887711738
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Free home based Debt Counselling services in Tipton and the surrounding area.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
This a FREE service running for 8 days during the winter holidays. All children will have a range of fun sports and activities on offer and free hot/cold meals when they attend.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Book now to see Santa
Or to see the Tarrot reader
Table tops still available to book
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Dance classes for children aged 3+. Wide variety of dance styles. Takes place Thursday 4.00pm - 8.30pm.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Cocaine Anonymous - support group for anyone with issues around alcohol and drugs.
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free coffee& chat socialising group
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A fun social session with free refreshments and a range of activities.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Tea & Coffee
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
circuit training with a qualified instructor
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Dancing for fun with friends
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Volunteer to help at our Community Allotment. Monday, Wednesday, Friday 10am - 1pm. Based at Bearwood Allotments, Dale Street, Bearwood. More information call 0121 558 3998
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
ESOL (pre-entry - Entry 3)
Ethnicity focus: Pakistani, Bangladeshi
More detailsRelax and enjoy a peaceful woodland garden. By appointment. Restrictions apply during school holidays
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We are always looking for volunteers to help look after our community garden - if you think this might be of interest to you then please do not hesitate to get in touch with us
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Community Litter Pick on the 1st Saturday of the month.
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Local twice weekly walk.
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We offer a community drama group and a community choir on a Monday evening, working up to a joint Christmas concert. Open to all from age 12 years up, focusing on bringing our community together through the arts.
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Low level support and signposting service that is free to access and referrals are open to everybody aged 18 years and over and includes people with disabilities and long-term conditions, mental health, learning disability and dementia, as well as carers.
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Support service for 65+ in Tividale & Rowley areas of Sandwell
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Providing information and support to Brain Injury and Stroke survivors and their families/carers in the community.
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- Child mentoring service. Tackling educational inequalities by providing child mentoring services within schools and within kids club. To help children to integrate and improve their language skills.
- Family support services. To help families to understand family law and child protection regulations. To help families to understand British education system.
- Cultural events and social gatherings - To help migrant community to keep their cultural identity.
- Informational workshops – To help migrants to understand British law and culture.
- Social groups for adults 50+ – To tackle anxiety and isolation issues.
- Kids Club – Stay & Play, community language sessions, homework club, holiday club. To help kids to grow with values of cultural diversity, learn languages and have good time together.
- Projects: Health and Wellbeing, Mental Health, Pandemic support, Art Projects.
- ESOL Classes for adults.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Ethnicity focus: Eastern European
The project offers access to services across Sandwell and can support older people in a variety of areas including:
Computer classes for beginners
Digital inclusion sessions
Friendship groups
Exercise classes
Bowling sessions
Community talks
Reminiscence activities
Healthy living initiatives
Healthy eating courses
Community events
More information on our website.
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Community support and activity
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Advice and guidance on welfare benefits including PIP.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Promoting Living And Dying Well
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Coneygre Live music provides a space for young people aged 11-19yrs who can sing, play an instrument or are in a band to practice and perform. Sandwell Young People's Services youth workers are also on hand if young people need someone to talk to.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Young People aged 11-19yrs can record/produce to industry level techniques using our fully equipped recording facility.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
The cost of living team are here to provide you with a wide range of information, advise and guidance.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Ethnicity focus: Bangladeshi
Cost of Living Advisors offering support around benefits, budgeting, debt, employment and energy.
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Services include full benefit checks, budgeting, help with applying for benefits
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We are offering a free and confidential service:
Benefits and debt advice
Energy advice
Help with budgeting
Employment support
Help to get online
All in a single service, provided by trained and experienced advice workers from Sandwell Consortium and Citizens Advice Sandwell & Walsall.
We want to help you to have a real change in your financial circumstances through an increase in your household income and a reduction in your household expenditure.
This is a drop-in service, so no appointment is necessary.
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We are offering a free and confidential service:
Benefits and debt advice
Energy advice
Help with budgeting
Employment support
Help to get online
All in a single service, provided by trained and experienced advice workers from Sandwell Consortium and Citizens Advice Sandwell & Walsall.
We want to help you to have a real change in your financial circumstances through an increase in your household income and a reduction in your household expenditure.
This is a drop-in service, so no appointment is necessary.
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We are offering a free and confidential service:
Benefits and debt advice
Energy advice
Help with budgeting
Employment support
Help to get online
All in a single service, provided by trained and experienced advice workers from Sandwell Consortium and Citizens Advice Sandwell & Walsall.
We want to help you to have a real change in your financial circumstances through an increase in your household income and a reduction in your household expenditure.
This is a drop-in service, so no appointment is necessary.
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We are offering a free and confidential service:
Benefits and debt advice
Energy advice
Help with budgeting
Employment support
Help to get online
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We are offering a free and confidential service:
Benefits and debt advice
Energy advice
Help with budgeting
Employment support
Help to get online
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We are offering a free and confidential service:
Benefits and debt advice
Energy advice
Help with budgeting
Employment support
Help to get online
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We are offering a free and confidential service:
Benefits and debt advice
Energy advice
Help with budgeting
Employment support
Help to get online
All in a single service, provided by trained and experienced advice workers from Sandwell Consortium and Citizens Advice Sandwell & Walsall.
We want to help you to have a real change in your financial circumstances through an increase in your household income and a reduction in your household expenditure.
This is a drop-in service, so no appointment is necessary.
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We are offering a free and confidential service:
Benefits and debt advice
Energy advice
Help with budgeting
Employment support
Help to get online
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Councillor surgery is a one on one session were you can discus what you want about your local community or if you need help with - Simon Hackett
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Individuals, couples and family therapy sessions are available Mon-Wed.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Ethnicity focus: Congolese, Afro Caribbean
A counselling service for brain injury and stroke survivors, their carers and close family members for a defined range of problems.
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Community Centre, open to all
• staff on hand to answer any questions
• free wifi
• free hot drinks
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Library open to all: space to sit and read, free wifi, access to computers, stay and play sessions
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Cranston’s. Is a drug and alcohol recovery group and on Wednesday as a drop in session and we can also do referrals
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Sandwell's adult drug and alcohol treatment service.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
The service is being provided in local primary schools:
6 weeks
Lego Therapy
Music Therpay
Art Therapy
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Crossroads Accelerated Response Service (CARS) offers free support to adults who are unpaid carers or who have assessed care needs living in Sandwell.
Quality: CQC Registered
When – First Wednesday of every Month.
Time – 10am – 3pm
Where – The Oak Tree Centre, Tame Road, Oldbury, B68 0JP.
The day club, with thanks to funding from SCVO, will offer a welcoming, safe and secure place for adults with care needs to enjoy a change of scenery, do a variety of activities, enjoy a hot meal and socialise.
The club is also an opportunity for family carers to have some much-needed respite, although they are welcome to attend too if they prefer.
We encourage independence, but a skilled team of Crossroads Care Support Workers are on hand to assist people with mealtimes and toileting needs if required.
The day club is open to all adults living with any condition, including dementia, regardless of whether they currently access Crossroads care services or not.
There will be a range of social activities each week, including quizzes, puzzles, card games and gentle exercise for those who can, with staff ensuring that everyone has an enjoyable and fulfilling time.
Booking - The cost of £45.00 per person includes activities, refreshments throughout the day, a hot lunch and care assistance.
To book your place, please complete a booking form. A booking form must be completed as we need details of medical conditions, medication and care requirements, as well as any dietary requirements. For a printed booking form, please call 0121 553 6483.
Please return to: Luke McCubbin, Crossroads Caring for Carers, 494 Wolverhampton Road, Oldbury, West Midlands B68 8DG or email to
Please note that payment and dietary requirements are needed two weeks before the session.
Quality: CQC Registered
Good quality second hand donated furniture, and new goods, both domestic and commercial for sale. Avoiding landfill, reusing and recycling goods, helping the environment
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Accessible Group Transport for local organisations, community groups and clubs. Also vehicles available for self-hire, and driver training available
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Provision of driver Training in the form of MiDAS. Available to schools, community groups and other organisations wishing to train staff/members to enable them to competently drive a minibus
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
The Cub section is for boys and girls aged between eight and ten years old. Cubs are split into smaller groups called sixes and take part in a wide range of interesting and challenging activities. A Cub pack meeting consists of games and activities with plenty of time spent outdoors.
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This service offers support to people to produce a Curriculum Vitae to improve chances of employment.
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Run by dance teacher who hire the room called legacy school of dance
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Service Days are currently
Tuesdays and Thursdays 11am to 3pm
Tuesdays is Crafts and Bingo
Thursday is Exercise
alongside Drumming 'beat it', memory singing and a chiropodist service as well as Health & safety awareness sessions.
Daily charge if you reside in the local Sandwell Area and utilise the transport service is £15 per day, This charge includes Brunch - Tea, Toast, Biscuits and A piece of fruit at 11am. Lunchtime - a freshly prepared 2 course meal inclusive of drinks and all crafts/activities - excluding exercise (£2 charge)/Chiropodist service (£15 which is quarterly) and includes transport to and from your home for start and finish times.
Should you wish to visit, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Ethnicity focus: English, Indian, Afro Caribbean
The Sense Day Service is open 7 days a week, and offers a fully person-centred approach for people of all ages, with a visual and/or hearing impairment.
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Providing respite care or support during the day, to give main carer a break.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Debt Advice & Support
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Helping you and your family before and after being diagnosed with dementia
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This project endeavours to develop our money management skils in creative ways that is good for the both the pocket and environment.
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Come along and do digital fitness using phone or smart watch go on small walks with others meet new people and enjoy the place Wellcome after
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we help to connect to to the internet, learn how to manage your health needs online including making GP appointments.
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One to one digital support to get people started. IT courses in small socially distanced groups. Remote learning with support.
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SWA's IDVA (Independent Domestic Abuse Advice) service supports victims of domestic abuse who are at risk of harm from intimate partners, ex-partners or family members, with the aim of securing their safety and the safety of their children.
Quality: Investors in People
Sandwell Women’s Aid provides safe, secure and supportive accommodation which is available 24 hours a day for women and their children escaping domestic abuse. Our services are accessible for all women, regardless of age, culture, disability, ethnicity or sexuality.
Quality: Investors in People
Light housework. Laundry & Ironing. Shopping & collection services.
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We offer personal care to support with daily living needs, enabling people with complex needs to remain in their own home for longer. This can be provided alongside social care services or funded by the person themselves or their family.
If you have a personal budget, we are here to help and support you with your care package.
Quality: CQC Registered
SAFS offer a Domiciliary Care Service to individuals in their own homes, supporting with personal care tasks.
Quality: OFSTED inspected, PQASSO Level 2, Investors in People, CQC Registered
Ethnicity focus: Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi
A specialist homecare service to help deaf, deafened, hard of hearing and deafblind adults maintain their independence and improve their lives both at home and in the community.
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A weekly drama group in Wednesbury Town for local people to come together to be part of an annual pantomime.
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Lifestyles Drop-in Service – SAFS manage the SAFS Windmill Community Centre where groups and activities take place. We provide one to one support to individuals allowing them to access activities as they choose.
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Cranston team will also be a the drop
In session for advice and support
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- Welfare Services: Benefit applications; Housing application and issues; debt advise; individuals funding applications
- Digital skills for Business courses (L1 & 2) accredited by Ascentis Award body
- English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
- Homework & supplementary education for key stages 1, 2 , and 4
- Employment Support & Job Club
- Digital Studio streaming live shows and Podcasts
- Music tuition (Keyboard, Guitar, Drum)
- Recording Studio.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Ethnicity focus: Indian, Pakistani, Congolese, Afro Caribbean
To Identify and assess individuals who are at risk of presenting early signs and symptoms of long term conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke and cancer.
This project targets a mix of age groups, genders and ethnicity.
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We offer ESOL courses for adults catered to your individual needs and levels that work for you. We offer part-time and full-time courses in the day. Functional skills: literacy, numeracy and basic computer skills, employment and personal development, vocational qualification, health and well being awareness activities.
Ethnicity focus: Bangladeshi
More detailsA Day Service to benefit older people, people living with memory loss or dementia, people with mild learning disabilities and or people needing personal care. We support individuals with long term conditions or continuing care needs to participate in activities that support their health and well being. Costs are competitive.
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A session that brings women together to help them to socialise with others and help each other to develop language skills around Health and Well-being. Wednesday 10am - 12pm
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
If you’re currently employed and looking to find a job, change job or to update your CV. We can help you with advice, mentoring, support and training.
Contact SWEDA to book your appointment and discuss your options.
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We provide support and advice for employment.
Quality: Matrix
Support for all ages to find employment, apprenticeships or training. Based at Sandwell Council House, Oldbury and locations throughout Sandwell (look for Think Sandwell job clubs). Virtual service available via email, telephone, Skype, WhatsApp, Teams during COVID-19 lockdown - email to make an appointment
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A support service for disabled people and disadvantaged groups in Sandwell. Assisting them to become economically active in terms of work, further education and training
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Support and employability training and qualifications.
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An employment service providing support in helping deaf people find sustainable employment.
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Qualified advisors offering a free service to help you find a job.
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Providing a flexible and personalised training package that will be tailored towards individuals needs, signposting to training & employment, helping with job search, CV preparation, completing job application forms, and preparing for interviews.
Ethnicity focus: Pakistani, Bangladeshi
More detailsEnergy Support Advice
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Beginners (pre-entry) ESOL Class held twice a week as part of Sandwell Language Network #SLN
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
The classes will provide students with knowledge on how to speak, read, and write English in the correct manner. Some important topics will be include in the classes such as healthcare and accessing local services.
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Informal English Classes held at BIC for Women
Pre entry Level
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
We provide non-accredited ESOL courses to adults who live and/or work in Sandwell.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Ethnicity focus: Polish, Eastern European
Delivered by out Friendly Tutor Jas, with support our ESOL (English) classes are designed to help develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills that are needed to progress into education or employment opportunities. #SLN March 2025
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
ESOL (English for Speakers of other Languages).
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We have courses to suit everyone who wants to learn English or improve their English. We prepare learners to progress into employment, further study, citizenship and to get more out of life in the UK.
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Formal ESOL Courses for those local to Sandwell whose English isn't their first language and want to improve in order to integrate in the society. These courses will help you to improve your ability to speak, listen, read and write English
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
The Sandwell Language Network provides a programme of free, community-based English language learning support across the borough of Sandwell.
ESOL (English) classes to help develop speaking, listening, reading and writing skills that are needed for progressing into education, employment, accessing services and everyday communication, we have spaces for Pre-Entry and Entry Level 1 learners.
The classes will also support with Digital Skills and Employability.
Quality: Matrix