Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Tipton

Address details

Organisation Christians Against Poverty (CAP) Tipton
Address St Matthews Church Dudley Road

Contact details

Phone 0800 328 0006
Opening hours 9 am to 5 pm
Accessibility details Fully accessible

Tipton Debt Centre is run in partnership with St Matthew's Church and gives free debt help to anyone who feels weighed down by debt.

An effective budget
Trained debt counsellors will work out a realistic budget that prioritises your essential bills. They will negotiate affordable payments with each creditor and attempt to stop unfair interest and charges where possible. Your local Debt Coach will then explain the budget and the payments you will need to make.

CAP Plan
In most cases, a CAP Plan is set up for you. You will need to make one monthly payment into your CAP Plan to cover your bills and debts. CAP will then distribute this on your behalf. You can also build up savings through your CAP Plan.

Severe debt
If you are in severe debt, then we can walk you through insolvency options, such as petitioning for bankruptcy. We can help you to fill out the forms.

Debt free
You can use your CAP Plan to pay your bills and debt repayments until you are debt free.

Call to make your first appointment on the free 0800 number.

Service details

Categories Managing your money
Staff Qualifications Staff qualified to deliver the services of Christians Against Poverty
Gender All
Quality standards Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Last updated: Jan 31, 2024 13:13
Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.