Counselling - Brain Injury and Stroke

Address details

Organisation Headway Black Country
Address Headway Black Country Martin Hill Street

Contact details

Phone 01384 869 961
Opening hours Counselling is provided on a sessional basis during week days.
Accessibility details Fully accessible

Headway Black Country offers a counselling service for brain injury and stroke survivors, their carers and close family members resident in Sandwell, Dudley, Walsall and Wolverhampton, for a defined range of problems.

Counselling can provide valuable and confidential support. Counselling provides a space where you can talk to someone about your concerns and emotional difficulties, someone trained and skilled in listening and helping you clarify your thoughts and feelings, which you may not be able to discuss with anyone else.

The types of problems suitable for this service are:

Mental health problems: For example, mild to moderate episodes of anxiety or depression, anger management, self-esteem difficulties.
Problems associated with life crises, such as bereavement, illness.
Problems associated with relationships (a specialist service such as RELATE may also be considered suitable in some cases).

Counselling is provided by members of the British Association for Counselling & Psychotherapy and is available either by self-referral or referral through another body for instance a GP. The referral form is available on our web site.

Service details

Categories Counselling and listening, Loss and breakdown, Carers support, Parent and family support, Health Support
Staff Qualifications Staff fully qualified
Gender All
Last updated: Nov 2, 2023 11:07
Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.