Day Care and Luncheon Services

Address details

Organisation Cape Community Day Care Centre
Address 455 Dudley Road
B18 4HE

Contact details

Phone 0121 558 7548 / 07957 370808
Opening hours 11 am to 3 pm.
Accessibility details Fully accessible

The Cape Community Day Centre established since 1982 and is run by 6 Trustees and a committed and loyal team of volunteers who provides Day care and Luncheon services for older people twice a week, 80% of our members are African Caribbean, most of our client group are frail, vulnerable - isolated within their own homes. A Meals on Wheels Service to the clients that are unable to leave their homes and a befriending service that ensures people feel connected. Alongside a Visiting project where house bound clients are visited weekly and quarterly social outings which empower the volunteers.
Located in a deprived area, settled migrants utilize the services offered aiding knowledge of local facilities, encouraging security and social inclusion and is a Community ‘ local hub which encourages like-minded individuals of all ages to come together to share and learn new skills and develop their capacity to address our community’s prominent social and health concerns.
The main purpose is to reduce social isolation, giving carers respite, bringing different communities together, ensuring the BME service users have a healthy hot meal and are kept connected with ‘primary care referrals’ to professional services and up to date health awareness sessions/initiatives.

Our project is to provide Community activities such as Fitness, Singing, Drumming and Craft sessions with the aim of improving their physical and mental health enabling them to be more active within their community also to combat dementia, aiding independence and confidence which will keep all Beneficiaries physically fit, happier, socially connected and support them to stay in their homes for longer taking the pressure of the NHS and the Visiting Service to ‘Shut in’s’ who are Elderly, vulnerable, isolated, lonely and excluded from the community – with the majority having a form of Mental or Physical disability e.g. Dementia or Visual or wheelchair.
Our activities bring members of our community together regardless of their age, ability or ethnicity to share experiences, make new social networks that support their emotional health and wellbeing in a relaxed and inviting environment. We want to enable them to develop as individuals and feel more connected to the world around them; by providing them with the tools they need to help themselves via laptop, mobile phone tutorials, using drumming and up to date Health seminars to improve their health and wellbeing.
Many of our beneficiaries are elderly and from migrant communities or come to us with specific learning needs. For these beneficiaries we offer the opportunity to reconnect with the community around them, create social networks and new friendships, provide accessible and affordable activities which enables them to be more active and raise aspirations and supports the reduction of social isolation and loneliness. By bringing people together from the earliest opportunity to build a more resilient and integrated community that works together to tackle our community’s diverse needs.

Service details

Categories Exercise, sport & recreation, Transport, Social Activities, Domiciliary and Day Care
Staff Qualifications Staff qualified to deliver the services of Cape Caring Community Centre.
Gender All
Quality standards Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Ethnicity focus English, Indian, Afro Caribbean
Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 11:38
Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.