Domiciliary Care

Address details

Organisation Crossroads Care
Address Carers Hub 494 Wolverhampton Road, Oldbury, West Midlands
B68 8DG

Contact details

Phone 0121 553 6483
Opening hours 8:30 - 4:30 Monday to Thursday
8:30 - 4:00 Friday
Accessibility details Fully accessible.
We operate a 24 hour care delivery service.

Crossroads provide tailor-made support to meet individual needs. This can include personal care and rehabilitation support, meal preparation, help with shopping and chores in the home, support with taking medication, help to get out and about to socialise or to attend hospital or G.P. visits.

We provide -
- Chronic and palliative care for people living within the community.
- Supporting for elderly/frail people who may be living with dementia and mental health problems.
- We can provide respite services to family carers, to include emergency cover throughout the night.

People may access our services via a personal budget, direct payments, the Local Authority and the Continuing Health Care Teams based in Sandwell.

Our services are delivered throughout Birmingham, Sandwell, Walsall and Wolverhampton. In Dudley we also provide well-being services to adult carers, young adult carers (aged 18 -25) and young carers (up to the age of 18) who care for a family member.

We are a Framework Local Authority Provider. Please make inquiries via our main office in Sandwell.

Service details

Categories Advice, Domiciliary and Day Care, Carers support, Health Support
Staff Qualifications Staff have a range of qualifications and offer specialist support for people with particular care needs. Please contact us for more information.
Gender All
Quality standards CQC Registered
Last updated: Nov 1, 2023 14:44
Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.