Caring Lifestyle Balance service

Address details

Organisation Crossroads Care
Address Carers Hub 494 Wolverhampton Road, Oldbury, West Midlands
B68 8DG

Contact details

Phone 0121 553 6483
Opening hours 8:30 - 4:30 Monday to Thursday
8:30 - 4:00 Friday
Accessibility details Fully accessible.

We know that over time, caring can take its toll you. We want to support unpaid carers to maintain or regain a sense of self, quite often lost as caring duties are prioritised, whilst developing skills and confidence in their caring abilities.

It is vital that as a carer you take time to look after yourself as well as the person you care for – not just so you can carry on caring, but so you can keep doing the things that you enjoy. Through accessing our service, we will help you to re-integrate into the community and build confidence by offering pathways to making friends and rediscovering skills and hobbies that may have been lost.

What we can offer you:
- 1 -to-1 support
- Signposting to health & wellbeing organisations
- Support to access local services i.e. benefits, care packages, equipment, etc.
- Carers Groups
- Dementia awareness sessions (for family carers and professionals who care for someone with dementia)

What we hope you will achieve:
- Improved health & wellbeing
- Improved knowledge and skills
- New skills that are meaningful, entertaining and inspiring
- Feeling good in your caring role
- Recognition as an individual
- Feeling part of your local community.

Make a Referral
To speak to someone for more information, or to make a referral, please call – 0121 553 6483 or email –

Service details

Categories Advocacy, Advice, Exercise, sport & recreation, Social Activities, Finding work and training
Staff Qualifications Staff who provide this service have a range of experience and qualifications to support you in your role as a carer.
Gender All
Quality standards CQC Registered
Last updated: Nov 1, 2023 14:58
Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.