Coffee Morning

Address details

Organisation Lion Farm Action Centre
Address The Vicarage Shelsley Avenue Oldbury
B69 1BG

Contact details

Phone 0121 544 3094
Opening hours Various hours within 9 am to 5 pm Monday to Friday.
Occasional evenings and weekends

A fun social session with free refreshments and a range of activities.
Funded through The Heart of England Community Foundation
Monday-Quizzes and games to get rid of the Monday blues-11.00-12.30
Tuesday-Coffee moaning-Come have a good moan. We are here to listen and help if we can 11.00-12.30
Wednesday-A range of craft activities-11.00-2.00
Friday-Fun Friday-Afternoon tea with a quiz-12.00-2.00

Service details

Categories Advice, Exercise, sport & recreation, Social Activities, Counselling and listening
Staff Qualifications Friendly experienced staff
Gender All
Quality standards Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Last updated: Apr 26, 2024 11:11
Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.