Developing Our Money Skills - Strengthening Lives and Communities

Address details

Organisation St Johns Community Centre, Rood End
Address St Johns Community Centre St Johns Road
B68 9RP

Contact details

Phone 0121 544 1988
Opening hours 9 am - 7 pm Monday to Friday
Saturdays on request
Accessibility details We try to be accessible, but our building is old and has a few challenges we we endeavouring to address.

The starting point for this project is that many of us are not wholly confident at managing our money and making it go as far as it should.

We offer a range of activities that can help ensure we not only become savvy with our money, but help us to share skills and experience., meaning we don't have to spend as much. For example:

- a workshop to save money by 'Mending and Repairing Clothes - sewing on a button'.
- a workshop on using the internet effectively through Freecycle and Auction sites such as Ebay.
- a session on becoming a savvier shopper

We are also offer sessions that can help us to Budget and understand how the banking system works - looking at alternatives to banks, such as the credit union and the importance of trying to regularly save.

We work with local partners and that helps to ensure people are referred to right places for advice and help.

Service details

Categories Social Activities, Managing your money
Staff Qualifications Staff have qualifications relevant for services provided
Gender All
Last updated: Jan 20, 2023 12:59
Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.