Creative Art Therapy - Don't be BLUE Project - Sandwell Early Help Partnership

Address details

Organisation 4 Community Trust
Address Primary schools in sandwell
B68 8HH

Contact details

Phone 07365 526 220
Opening hours 7,30am-6pm Monday to Friday
Accessibility details Fully accessible.

Creative and Play Therapy allows C&YP to express their emotions and develop the tools they require to cope with their challenges.

The program will include the following:
• Lego therapy (based on the principles of 'serious play' shown here
• Art Therapy is another form of psychotherapy that uses a mixture of talking and art-making to help children express their thoughts and feelings.
• Music therapy is using music to address a group or individual's physical, emotional, cognitive, and social needs. We will employ a variety of activities, such as listening to melodies, playing an instrument, drumming, writing songs, and guided imagery.

This programme works well with young children because many cannot communicate emotions through talking therapies. Our staff engages the child in creative activities and encourages them to express their feelings through the action they perform through conversing with the child.


Service details

Categories Counselling and listening
Staff Qualifications MSC Psychology Art Therapy Lego Therapy
Gender All
Quality standards Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Last updated: Apr 8, 2024 12:22
Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.