Job Club
By Bangladeshi Women's Association Ltd
supported Job club - help with applications and accessing the internet
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Finding work and training services and activities. View these on the map or scroll down the page to look at the list below. Currently displaying 23 services and activities
supported Job club - help with applications and accessing the internet
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Employment Support and Advice
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Mental Health First Aid is a two day training
course and explores the help given to
someone experiencing a mental health
problem before professional help is
Quality: Investors in People, Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Numbers for Life…can help you understand tax and payslips, credit and interest, fractions and percentages, weights and measures, calculators and spreadsheets… Numbers for Life…can support you with budgets, fuel bills, direct debits and more.
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A bespoke training package service covering issues such as respect and dignity, the Equality Act, the Equality Duty…
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Pre-Employment Support sessions
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The course teaches you I.T. Basics: Learn to use a PC, navigate the internet and stay safe online. FOR LADIES ONLY.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
We provide rehabilitation and mobility training and work with people utilising their residual vision effectively and safely in order to ensure individuals can live independent lives.
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Full and part time daycare 5 days a week from 7.30am to 6.00pm for children aged 0-5yrs, to enable parents to return to work, training or higher education.
Quality: OFSTED inspected, Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Ethnicity focus: Afro Caribbean
Football coaching - Oldbury United FC is a football club that delivers team sport for experiences footballers. Through positive activities that include football coaching, football competition, coach development and volunteer development we use sport to engage and transform lives.
We work with all sections of the community and provide:
Player development programmes ( 1-2-1 and team coaching)
Coach development programmes (Mentoring and coaching qualification)
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
English classes for non-English speakers.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Volunteer service
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Support, information, advice and guidance on all aspects of searching for a job. Takes place on Monday 9am - 4.30pm, Tuesday 10.00am - 2.00pm, Thursday 1pm - 3pm
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The Crossroads Carers Assistance Line is a free service which offers support and practical assistance to help unpaid carers in Sandwell.
Quality: CQC Registered
Free service providing support with job search; CV writing; interview skills; access to computers ; careers advice; apprenticeships; training courses. Open to all ages, employed or unemployed. Drop in no appointment necessary
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Free service providing support with job search; CV writing; interview skills; access to computers ; careers advice; apprenticeships; training courses. Open to all ages, employed or unemployed. Drop in no appointment necessary.
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Training to raise awareness of Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia
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The intention of this program is to provide participants with the opportunity to:
a. achieve recognized qualifications
b. raise aspirations
c. develop future urban leaders
d. professional training and mentoring
e. coached to a professional format
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Training volunteers to develop skills and gain experience in the work place.
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Volunteering opportunities.
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We welcome volunteers from all backgrounds, a chance to gain new skills and enhance their CV, to kick start a route in to employment.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Ethnicity focus: Pakistani, Bangladeshi
volunteering opportunities
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Every Monday, our women's group meets at Brushstrokes to provide friendship and activities to improve wellbeing and health knowledge. Themes include arts and crafts, physical activities such as walking and yoga, information services delivered by a range of health professional and well-being.
Quality: Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service