Multiply (Numbers for Life)

Address details

Organisation Confederation of Bangladeshi Organisations (CBO)
Address Greets Green Resource Centre, Harwood Street
B70 9JF
West Bromwich

Contact details

Phone 01215005441
Opening hours Office opening hours are
9 am to 4 pm Monday to Friday
We are closed Friday afternoon to the general public.
Accessibility details Fully accessible

Multiply is a new government-funded programme to help adults improve their numeracy skills. In Sandwell, it funds the Numbers for Life programme, for adults in full or part-time work, who don’t have Maths GCSE (grade C or equivalent).

You can access free numeracy and financial literacy courses to build your confidence and skills with numbers for everyday life and in the workplace.

Service details

Categories Social Activities, Finding work and training
Staff Qualifications Staff qualified to deliver services.
Gender All
Last updated: Jun 25, 2024 14:33
Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.