Little Steppers Pre-School

Address details

Organisation West Smethwick Enterprise
Address Little Steppers, Cape Hill Children's Centre, Corbett Street,
B66 3PX

Contact details

Phone 0121 555 6756
Opening hours 8.30AM - 3.00PM
Accessibility details Fully accessible

Little Steppers Pre-School is a service that supports children aged between 2-5. The services supports children in the early years and support children to become school ready. We are a Pre-School service that support the local community, their families and the children.
Little Steppers Pre-School offer 'Good' childcare services to our children and families. We offer 2,3 and 4 year old FREE funding, including 30 hours free childcare for working parents for children aged 3 and 4. We are open term time only and we offer a wide variety of services to support the needs of the children and families.

Service details

Categories Parent and family support, Children and youth activities
Staff Qualifications Staff fully qualified
Gender All
Quality standards PQASSO Level 1
Last updated: Nov 1, 2023 12:38
Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.