Sandwell Advocacy Citizen Advocacy Scheme.

Address details

Organisation Sandwell Advocacy
Address 28 Wood Street Tipton West Midlands

Contact details

Phone 0121 520 8070
Opening hours Monday to Friday 9 am - 5 pm
although the service operates outside of these hours to suit the needs of those we support.
Accessibility details Service limited to residents within Sandwell.

Our work makes a real difference because we have developed a model of advocacy that works with individuals to ensure they are placed at the heart of the decision-making process. We support people to ensure that they are able to explore avenues open to them, to discuss options and ensure that people make informed decisions. Ultimately we work to empower people to have more say and control over what happens in their lives. Our users tell us that they feel more confident to articulate their needs, rights and wishes more effectively.

Service details

Categories Carers support, Parent and family support
Staff Qualifications Paid staff have or are working towards the professional National Advocacy Qualification. All volunteers receive comprehensive in-house advocacy training.
Gender All
Last updated: Jul 26, 2022 16:08
Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.