KeyRing Living Support Networks - Sandwell

Address details

Organisation KeyRing Living Support Networks
Address Unit 21, St Olav's Court, Lower Road, London
SE16 2XB

Contact details

Phone 07534350167
Opening hours Flexible hours
Accessibility details Fully accessible

KeyRing offer a low level tenancy support for vulnerable adults who live in the Sandwell area. We support people who want to maintain their independence and build upon new life skills. KeyRing offers support to all different types of people who have different medical conditions. KeyRing work with individual’s to build up their confidence and self-esteem and achieve goals set out by them. KeyRing support by going to the individual’s homes on a weekly basis to support them to achieve their goals. KeyRing offer a community network side to the support, where we have a CLV living in a area, who is support that area to develop a network so vulnerable adults have a network of support when KeyRing ends the support in that area.
KeyRing offer’s a wide range of support, which includes- support to get the correct benefits, support to attend college, support to start getting into work- KeyRing is a member led organisation who encourages and promotes the individual to give to us as much as they want to achieve out of the support.
KeyRing supports in the way so that vulnerable adults are ready for life when support has ended.
Along side with our tenancy support KeyRing offer a community side, where we offer a weekly meet up for individuals to make new friends and to get out of the house. KeyRing offer a monthly meet up for a day out for all individuals and family within the service, we facilitate and organise this, this is a member led activity and hope that with the support from KeyRing to help it get started that Individuals will carry it on once Keyring have finished in that area. KeyRing promote pop up hubs around Sandwell for individuals’ to drop in and have a social event their. These hubs are a chance for people to meet other people in the service. With a weekly guest speaker’s from other organisations in Sandwell, such as, healthy Sandwell, IRIS. This is an educational aspect where we give individuals information of other services which Sandwell provide for vulnerable adults.

Service details

Categories Advice, Social Activities, Housing advice & support, Managing your money
Staff Qualifications All staff are appropriately trained.
Gender All
Quality standards Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Last updated: Jul 19, 2022 16:03
Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.