Real Respect Primary Group Mentoring Workshops

Address details

Organisation Krunch UK, SCC
Address Sandwell Christian Centre, Langley Crescent
B68 8RE

Contact details

Phone 01215525556
Opening hours Mon - Thurs 9 am - 5 pm: Fri 9 am - 12 pm
Accessibility details Fully accessible.

6-week Real Respect primary programme for a group of up to 8 pupils.

Intended outcomes:

• Participants will better understand how their choices have consequences and how this can impact their lives.
• Participants will have a better understanding of how they feel respected and show respect within various types of relationships.
• Participants will be better able to recognise potentially harmful relationships and situations.
• Participants will understand why it is good to have healthy personal boundaries.

Target Group primary:
• Those children with a history of witnessing unhealthy or unsafe relationships.
• Those lacking in awareness of how to keep themselves safe and ask for help.
• Displaying or expressing discriminatory or hostile views towards those of a different gender
• Developmentally inappropriate sexual behaviour
• Unsafe, illegal, or unkind use of social media
• Those known to be viewing pornography or other age-inappropriate material.

Session outlines:
Week 1: Welcome to Real Respect
In week 1 we will introduce the real respect journey and as group discuss what respect is and what it looks like to us. The group will create a set of rules for the sessions that will enable the participants to feel comfortable and safe to share their thoughts and feelings.

Week 2: Choices, Consequences and Boundaries
The aim of this week is for participants to understand that all the choices they make have consequences and these can be good or bad. We will also identify what a boundary is moving onto exploring personal boundaries and why they are important. Participants will have the opportunity to explore their own personal boundaries.

Week 3: What I can and can’t say and why.
In week 3 we will look at how our words affect others and how other people’s words can affect us. We will also introduce consent and the power of our voice and how this is relevant to the participants. We will also discuss how to communicate consent effectively.

Week 4: What we can and Can’t Touch and why.
Week 4 will focus on how we can show other people respect and what is allowed or not allowed regarding touch. We will also revisit consent and how this applies to touching others and others touching us and we will discuss what to do if we are uncomfortable with the way someone has touched us.

Week 5: What I can and can’t look at and why.
In week 5 we will look at how things we look at can affect us and why things can be inappropriate for us to see. We will discuss social media, TV and Films and issues and the law around sending and receiving images.

Week 6: What next?
Week 6 will be an opportunity for the participants to reflect on what they have learnt, as a group we will identify where participant can go to for help and advice in the future and how to report anything they feel uncomfortable about. They will also have the opportunity to feedback their thoughts and feelings on the sessions and topics covered.

Service details

Categories Counselling and listening, Children and youth activities
Staff Qualifications Fully qualified.
Gender All
Quality standards Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Last updated: May 21, 2024 15:51
Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.