Advice & Guidance

Address details

Organisation Eastern European Welfare Association - EWA
Address YMCA, 38 Carter's Green
B69 9LG
West Bromwich

Contact details

Phone 0121 740 0824
Opening hours 9 am to 5 pm
Accessibility details Fully accessible.

Our team of qualified Advisors provides a wide range of support in matters related to everyday life, in particular:
1. Immigration advice for EU nationals and their spouses in obtaining settled status.
2. Health: support in booking appointments with GP and accessing other relevant support
3. Education: communication with mainstream schools for parents; support in finding relevant qualifications and courses; support in applications for school/college places, etc.
4. Employability: communication with employers, support in finding relevant employment, CV clinics, job searches, ENIC applications (Statement of Comparability).
5. Housing: communication with housing providers incl. the council, support for homeless and rough sleepers, people at the risk of evictions; support in communication with landlords and other PRS

Service details

Categories Advocacy, Advice, Finding work and training, Housing advice & support
Staff Qualifications The staff are qualified to deliver the services of Eastern European Welfare Association.
Gender All
Quality standards Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Ethnicity focus Polish, Eastern European
Last updated: Apr 26, 2024 11:09
Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.