Amateur Boxing

Address details

Organisation Warley Amateur Boxing Club
Address Warley Rugby Club Tat Bank Road
B69 4NH

Contact details

Phone Craig - 07854496073
Opening hours Juniors 6-7pm
Seniors 7-8pm
Accessibility details Fully accessible to wheelchair users as we have a wheelchair bound coach.

We are a group of qualified amateur boxing coaches with years of experience in creating champions, we take on children from the age of 9 upto adults with a passion to learn how the art of boxing and get fit.

Service details

Categories Exercise, sport & recreation, Children and youth activities, Health Support
Staff Qualifications Staff are qualified by England Boxing. All are DBS checked and have to go on yearly First aid and safeguarding courses. Some coaches have their level 2 and 3 qualifications as Personal trainers and are still striving to become more qualified.
Gender All
Quality standards Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 12:39
Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.