Sikh Helpline

Address details

Organisation Sikh Helpline
Address 86 Birmingham Street Oldbury
B69 4EB

Contact details

Phone 07999 004 363
Opening hours 24/7
Accessibility details The Helpline is fully accessible.

We are a helpline to support people struggling with poor mental health. We support communities which are unable to get help due to stigmas and cultural barriers through a confidential helpline service.

Some of the areas we support on include:

Alcohol and substance abuse
Domestic abuse
Hate crime or discrimination
Relationship issues
Grooming and many more. Any issue where a person doesn't know where to turn to.

We are here to stop a person suffering in silence.

We have volunteers based nationally who support anyone over the phone within the UK. Our volunteers background include, social services, CAB, counselors, teachers and lawyers.

Service details

Categories Addiction & recovery support, Relationship help and mediation, Counselling and listening, Loss and breakdown, Support for victims
Staff Qualifications Staff qualified to deliver services of the Helpline.
Gender All
Quality standards Staff subject to Disclosure & Barring Service
Last updated: Jan 3, 2024 12:51
Services focused on particular beneficiaries do not imply that they are offered exclusively to these persons only.